RDR 3.0 Release and BETA Improvements (Formerly NetworkBankSync)
NetworkBankSync has been revamped into RaindropReserve [RDR]! A new name comes with many new improvements and features.
- Updated Default filter.yml to reflect nation filter options
- Updated filter.yml comments for better instructions
- Updated so if filter is empty in config, filter is disabled
- Added config option for RDR plugin prefix
- Fixed custom Towny events not registering
- Fixed RStat not found error
- Added Town Vaults
- /ttvault #
- RaindropReserve.town.#
- Only one town member can open it at a time
- Cross server support
- Added Nation vaults
- /nvault #
- RaindropReserve.nation.#
- Only one nation member can open it at a time
- Cross server support
- Added Party Vaults
- /pvault #
- RaindropReserve.party.#
- Only one party member can open it at a time
- Cross server support
- New placeholder:
- %rdr_target_player%
- Custom RDR only placeholder for use in RDR configs only.
- Database connection limit option added to config.yml
- Message configs and DiscordSRV support added!
- Check out RaindropReserve/messages.yml for more information
- Added Placeholder support. View them here.
- Added custom RDR stats
- Added Plan [Player Analytics] support for RDR stats. Viewable in Plan web panel.
- Added responsive messages when permission checks failed on command
- Added mode options: Individual and Maximum.
- Individual Mode was the plugins default pre-R5. This requires server owners to add every vault permission to the user/group. This mode gives server owners more control over access to each vault but requires significantly more time to setup.
- Maximum Mode is how other vault plugins are usually setup. Server owners set RaindropReserve.vault.<number> and players will have access to every vault up to and including said number. I.e. if set to 10 players have 10 vaults of that type.
- Note: minor configuration change to support modes
- New limits for each vault type added for better plugin control
- Added support for server authentication plugins
- Improves inventory storage for all database types and prevents bugs when players warp using proxy managers (Velocity, Waterfall, Bungeecord, etc.)
- Minor fix to address the shaded error and server.yml defaults
- Cross server player vaults! Why use RDR? The AMZ team has been searching for a solid, no-bugs, no-dupes, cross-server player vault plugin. After waiting over a year for PlayerVaultX to implement cross-server support (on his to-do list this entire time) we have decided to implement our own!
- Supports H2 (local), MySQL, and PostGres databases!
- Supports cross server inventories. Keep all vault items when moving servers!
- Category specific vaults! We have decided to implement and offer category specific vaults. Currently there are 5 vaults [Standard Vault, Builder Vault, Material Vault, Tactical Vault, and Seed Vault]. Standard vaults hold anything. Server owners can change the filtered/category specific vaults using filter.yml. Note: To support all custom items RDR filter only checks for item type.
- Cross server town sync! As with NetworkBankSync, this plugin offers cross-server town banking so users can deposit/withdraw their balance from any server! RDR utilizes Rest API for secure transactions and queueing. This feature prevents negative or duplicate [free] money through simultaneous withdraws on different servers.
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