
Showing posts from July, 2023

RDQ 4.0 BETA Improvements

Release notes for each BETA version. Listing improvements implemented before official launch. RDQ 4 has been released. See update logs  here . Release Updated Titles count on RDQ startup to accurately reflect total Fixed RDQ pre-trigger bootup message event R25 Improvements to database transactional methods and optimizations to shutdown sequence. R24 New passive: Exotic Mending - Chance to repair item that does not have mending New permissions RaindropQuests.passives.emending RaindropQuests.titles.<TitleID> Fixes and improvements: Fixed regulator button for total QStorage devices Cleaned up unused imports and optimized lombok usage Fixed small error in admin task (forgot to call method - oops) Custom Title options added back to RDQ! Multi-file support available for easier title management (Generated RDQ titles still available - Towny, Ranks, and Achievements) Custom statistics added for Piscatio (mcMMO only), Captis, Greater Mending, Superior Mending, and Exotic Mending Updated s

RDQ 4.0 BETA Released!

RDQ 4.0.0 BETA R1 is official available! Check it out on discord ! We are thrilled to introduce the highly anticipated 4.0.0 BETA update for the RDQ plugin! (formerly known as RaindropQuest). This update is a game-changer, as we have rebuilt the plugin from scratch and added exciting features to enhance your gameplay experience. Let's dive into the amazing updates: Database: Dropped support for SQLite in favor of more powerful options . Added support for H2 (local ) , PostGres , and MySQL databases , utilizing object -relational database tables and queries . Reduced unnecessary database hits , optimizing server performance . Config Files: Enjoy the convenience of an automatic config updater for seamless configuration management . Introducing RDQ specific log files to streamline debugging and troubleshooting . We have added an admin command that allows you to automatically upload log files to our developer Discord server when encountering issues , ensuring swift assistance